To achieve this, she looked through the script to find ways to express what is going on: who are these people? What are the issues which in turn infect or develop what was supposed to being a mere teaching time? Whether it happens in this encounter, the relationship between a teacher and older adolescents who, in different places are a little experience of relegation common?
Night after night, the act of writing to describe what had been experienced the day has become something of a survival operation and research through writing?
By intervening in EFPP during the week
A Forette therefore propose a reading of some extracts with a testimony, questioning and debate the report.
It may be helpful to read his book: Agnes Forette, splits, small notes in the evening after
1 - How would you describe yourself: Artist? Educator? etc.. Why?
I define myself as an "artist" since that was my training and practice where I work with text and image, as a discipline. As part of my teaching profession, which I came by chance, I give much room for education than teaching, both of which are, given my audience (teenagers in high difficulty attending public institution adapted), indivisible and in constant interaction.
2 - What would you like to "pass" or "pass", etc.. to during this workshop? And how do you intend to do it?
This workshop will expose the possibility or necessity, in a classroom, to consider its position within the group, as part of the group, while occupying a special place; openings and the limits of what can or needs to play itself, when you teach / educate, to be interacting with the group and the individual, without becoming intrusive or override its function.
I want to read some selected texts of "Great Gap", and then interact with the listeners.
3 - What forms of participation seem to you does it essential (or: what forms of participation do you expect) from the people who will attend your workshop?
Hopefully the usability and freedom of speech in trade.
4 - What do you expect for yourself from this experience?
"Big Difference" was born from the desire to share experiences of class, particular moments or singular which normally take place behind closed doors, hard to describe succinctly. I'm curious gaze of future educators, professionals and various relatives of those I meet in my hotel.
5 - you think what you propose in this workshop is there: From Art? Education? or, perhaps, both? And what do you think?
This workshop is educational, since it will be like in the book to evoke any what can happen in a classroom (Applied Arts), when there is no question of the course (Applied Arts in parentheses).
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