Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Herpe That Has Never Gone Away

About the speakers: JP Bigeault

A poetic ... Educational

And if education, testified that in his day the man of Lascaux, the work was invisible, the hidden source from which arise still so moving the murals?

The man who paints is a man who became man. But the man who built his fragile consciousness already went through the brush with which he paints a face: its human face!

What happens to all children of the world and every time we arrived each day we try to grow again. This movement of hope against fear, light against the evil part of the shadow, the movement of knowledge, driven by desire and fear, just extend our birth, is it not that one even leading educator to paint, sculpt, singing rights in that it educates as more or less secretly, in itself?

Irreducible to its technical nature, like man, his "subject-object" educational needs, today perhaps more than ever - a poetic. How poetic?

J.-P. Bigeault


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