of the lesion (link) to the illusion of Elodie Galmiche and Celine Mitsch
"Am I as I believe to be or as others think I am. Here's where the lines become a confession in the presence of my ego unknown and unknowable, unknown and unknowable for myself. Here is where I create the legend wherein I bury myself "(Miguel of Unamoumo) "
We thought this installation image that can be played in the educational relationship as in the creative process. Like what is immediately present to us, to our thinking, our body. From what is visible and what is seen in the proper sense, a reflection, a shadow, an image. From this picture as sensible form of an object, person, a feeling which is likely or that departs. Because what we perceive as opposed to the reality that escapes us, this facility as an individual who is never identical to itself, which exists only in the movement that is different from oneself and that is constantly changing. Our thinking is based on this fleeting moment, during this meeting the educational relationship as a creative process, where we will perceive the other, where else will deliver. This facility will report on various meetings at the various events of the session and Art Education.
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